Portable Lifters & Transporters

These inexpensive lifter/transporters from Southworth make virtually any job easier. The Dandy Lift™ is essential wherever lifting, positioning, assembling, stacking, unstacking, transporting, or the need for an adjustable height work surface is part of the job. Ideal for light industrial handling, attractively finished in enamel paint and chrome, parking lock, steerable caster-type wheels, infinite height adjustment within range. Use it in factories, offices, stores, warehouses, repair shops, garages, nurseries - anywhere. The Dandy Lift is available in several different types: manually operated models, low profile models for use with skids, containers, or pallets, the Dandy Leveler™ equipped with a spring actuated variable height platform, and the Dandy Tilter, which reduces reaching and stretching when working with small parts in totes or junior containers. Whatever your lifting or transporting needs are, there is a Dandy Lift to suit your application.

Portable Lifter & Transporter Pricing

Pricing on Portable Lifter Transporters range from $575.00 for the L-150 Dandy with 330 lbs. capacity, up to $1435.00 for the M-500L low profile Dandy with 1100 lbs. capacity.

Model Capacity
Platform Weight
L-150 330 20.7" 8.3" 17.7x28 82
L-250 550 22.2" 9.5" 19.7x31.5 115
A-500 1100 24.8" 11.8" 23.6x35.8 195
A-800 1760 27.2" 13.0" 23.6x39.4 275
A-350W 770 36.2" 13.6" 23.6x35.8 230
M-500L 1100 26.3" 3.2" 19.7x37.1 175
F-500L** 1100 26.3" 3.2" 19.7x37.1 170

**-platform is fork blades

Portable Lifter & TransporterLiterature

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