How to Maximize Storage Space with Narrow Aisle Warehouse Solutions

Organized Pallet Flow Racks

It’s easy to run out of warehouse storage capacity, especially during busy sales periods. And while you need to have enough products to meet the coming demand, you can’t just snap your fingers and expand the warehouse aisle width. So, how do you increase storage capacity in a warehouse when you can’t add more physical space? There’s a simple solution – narrowing your aisles.

How Narrow Aisle Racking Can Maximize Warehouse Storage Space

Narrow aisle racking allows warehouses to store more goods per square foot compared to traditional storage layouts. But how do you implement these storage solutions to ensure the most benefits? Typically, warehouses that transition to narrow aisle racking will decrease the aisle width while also opting for racking that utilizes more vertical space.

Traditionally, aisles are spaced at least 12 feet apart to accommodate standard sitdown forklifts and other machinery. However, with narrow aisle racking systems, aisles can be between six and 10 feet wide. While this may seem like a small change, it can have significant benefits for your warehouse, even doubling your storage space in some cases. Essentially, by decreasing your aisle space, you can fit more racks (and even more products).

Narrow Aisle Equipment for Warehouses

When decreasing the width of your warehouse’s aisles, you’ll need to invest in specialized equipment that can fit through tighter spaces. Luckily, many modern warehouse storage solutions have been remodeled to accommodate this. The most common narrow aisle warehouse equipment includes:

  • Narrow Aisle Forklifts
  • Narrow Aisle Reach Trucks
  • Narrow Aisle Order Pickers

Narrow Aisle Racking for Warehouses

The Benefits of Narrow Aisle Racking

Beyond increasing your storage space, narrow aisle racking systems have a variety of other valuable benefits, including:

  • Selectivity – With a narrow aisle racking system, you’ll have access to every pallet you store. This can help you increase your pick times and enhance your overall efficiency.
  • Customizability – Narrow aisle racking comes in a variety of different set-ups to fit your needs and specifications. Plus, when you work with A-Lined Handling Systems, we’ll help you build customized storage solutions for your warehouse.
  • Enhanced Safety – Pallets and other items left in aisles can be major safety hazards. Narrow aisle rackings mitigate this issue by decreasing available floor space. And with less floor space, the less likely your employees will be to leave stray items lying around.
  • Increased Return on Investment (ROI) – Changing your warehouse setup is a significant investment. However, with narrow aisle racking, you can store more products and fulfill more orders, helping you achieve a greater ROI.

Customized Narrow Aisle Storage Solutions from A-Lined Handling Systems

If you’ve run out of space at your facility and are unable to move to a larger building, narrow aisle racking is an effective storage solution. When you’re ready to make the transition, reach out to A-Lined Handling Systems. We have over 70 years of experience designing and implementing customized material handling systems in a variety of warehouses. No matter what your warehousing needs may be, you can count on our expert team to provide effective storage solutions.

Contact us today for more information about narrow aisle racking or to begin designing your own narrow aisle pallet racking system.